Expertise 专业服务 專業服務

Equipped with unrivalled knowledge of the international hospitality industry, we lead with passion, confidence and purpose. 我们拥有无与伦比的国际机场接待行业知识,怀抱激情、信心和目标,持续引领行业潮流。 我們擁有國際機場接待業知識,以熱誠、自信和目標引領行業潮流。

Over 20 years’ of excellence in airport hospitality.

With an expertise that spans over 20 years, our range of services span across industry-leading lounge operations and designs, award-wining in-airport accommodation, meet and assist, and other passenger services, and then the technology to link it all with a single touchpoint. This services suite has the power to make every airport travel experience memorable for your brand and business.





Committed to continually disrupting the international airport industry, our hospitality developments strive to enhance passenger experiences and maintain a sleek travel process. Pursuing new commercialisation opportunities, acquiring high-quality lounges and partnering with major bodies, our team holds fast to a pursuit of airport hospitality excellence.



What we offer 我们的服务 環亞服務

Lounge Management 贵宾室管理 貴賓室管理

Through our extensive hands-on experience operating 250+ global locations, we have developed the most comprehensive lounge operations knowledge, supported with a well-established infrastructure and supply chain in the industry. Customer experience is at the centre of our operations, from customer service training, culinary management, to customer feedback programme. Quality and consistency are the core of our operations, supported by an extensive management oversight, employee training, governance plans, and quality assurance framework, always with an emphasis on safety.




Passenger Service Operations 旅客服务业务 旅客服務業務

Staring from the Meet & Assist service, we have expanded our solution and services to connect all passenger touchpoints such as Fast track, porter, buggy, baggage wrapping, etc to service philosophy and backend processes, which are supported and continuously enhanced via the use of technology and innovation. Our technology platform and service delivery protocol are the core enablers of the overall solution; starting from booking to fulfilment and customer feedback. As airports seek to evolve and digitalise the whole airport passenger experience, PPG’s passenger service operations are developed to deliver a consistent 360° end-to-end airport experience throughout the passengers’ travel journey from the moment they arrive at the airport until their departure.




Design & Experience Development 设计与体验优化 設計與體驗發展

We innovate, grow and cultivate new service offerings and products which streamline the travel experience. With our 20+ years of industry expertise from consultancy, design, development, construction to operation, we’re able to provide customized and superb hospitality experiences and solutions within the airport ecosystem. By partnering with visionary designers, architects and culinary experts, we create award-winning services and products which elevate the travel journey.




Commercialisation 商业化 商業化

We have a strong commercial network of leading airlines and corporate clients to ensure stable and robust revenue stream to start with. Our professional sales and marketing team globally is ready to help formulate and deploy customised brand and sales strategies to optimise every commercial opportunities, supported by PPG’s well-established omnichannel commerce system.




Technology & Digital Innovation 技术与数字创新 技術與數碼創新

Leveraging innovation, we light the way for smooth customer journeys which empower and assure travellers as they move across the globe. Our Airport Hospitality Solution is end-to-end modular designed and highly integrated. It connects all customer and operation touchpoints to collect various data points into one single view which enable us to make well-informed commercial and operation strategies. Through employing world-class technology, we ensure each brand, service and offering we deliver adds to our guests’ travel experience and the business.




Our Partners 我们的合作伙伴 環亞合作夥伴

Collaborating with an expansive network of international airports, we are pleased to hold exceptional relations with some of the world’s most advanced airports. We customise and design world-class passenger experiences along with smart solutions to transform the customer experience. And ultimately help to realise the full potential of non-aeronautical revenue for airport partners. 通过庞大的国际机场网络合作,我们与世界上最先进的机场保持密切的合作关系。我们定制并规划世界级旅客体验及智能解决方案,以提升客户体验,并帮助机场合作伙伴实现最大化非航空收入。 環亞與廣大的國際機場網絡合作,並與全球最先進的機場關係緊密。我們客製和設計世界級旅客體驗及智能解决方案來提升客戶體驗,務求釋放機場合作夥伴非航空收入的全部潜力。

Aiding over 60 international airlines to elevate their on-ground experiences, we assist a wide selection of airline partners to streamline their lounge offerings. We provide a comprehensive solution spanning design, build, consulting, lounge management and operations, and staff training and quality assurance. We are committed to creating a premium and safe on-ground guest experience that reflects their brand values and create lifetime loyalty. 我们协助60多家国际航空公司提升机场体验,同时帮助合作伙伴优化贵宾室产品。我们提供全面的解决方案,包括设计、建造、咨询、贵宾室管理和运营,以及员工培训和质量保证。我们致力于营造优质安全的地面旅客服务体验,反映品牌价值并建立终身忠诚度。 環亞協助60多家國際航空公司提升地面體驗,並協助他們精簡貴賓室産品和服 。我們提供全面的解决方案,包括設計、建造、顧問、貴賓室管理和營運,還有員工培訓和質素保證。我們致力營造優越安全的地面旅客服務體驗,反映各航空公司的品牌價值和建立一輩子的忠誠度。

Working closely with a broad spectrum of corporate partners, we curate a widespread portfolio of travel benefits, which are made accessible and avaliable anywhere anytime for their high-value customers globally. And most importantly, we meet the spoken and unspoken needs of them, help the brand create customer loyalty. 我们与广泛的企业伙伴密切合作,设计诸多旅行优惠方案,以供其全球高价值客户随时随地使用。而最重要的是,我们满足其有声和无声需求,帮助品牌建立客户忠诚度。 環亞與各類企業夥伴密切合作,設計形形式式的旅遊優惠,隨時隨地服務夥伴的全球高價值客戶。而最重要的是,夥伴甚至不用明言,我們都能夠滿足所需,幫助品牌建立客戶忠誠度。

Get in touch 取得联系 取得聯繫

Plaza Premium Group are always commited to make travel better through personalised business solutions for you. 环亚集团一直致力于提供个性化的商业解决方案,缔造更加美好的旅游体验。 環亞集團一直致力提供個性化的商業解决方案,締造更美好的旅遊體驗。

For more information, please get in touch with our Business Development team. 如欲了解更多信息,请与我们的业务拓展团队取得联系。 如有其他查詢,請聯絡環亞的業務開發團隊。

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